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通航之家 >> 关于ChinaGABuyer

 通航之家 | ChinaGABuyer.com

ChinaGABuyer(通航之家)与德国知名媒体Flying Pages携手合作,是中国首个私人飞机在线交易平台,网罗国内外小飞机厂商500余家,同时涵盖二手飞机、公务机卡、俱乐部等业务,是飞机购买者和供应商交易的便捷平台。

Cooperated with Germany Well-known publisher Flying Pages, ChinaGABuyer is devoted to building an ideal communication and trade platform for buyers and sellers, gathers more than 500 leisure aircraft manufacturers, and also ready for pro-owned aircraft business, Jet card and phoenix club services. ChinaGABuyer offers you one-stop entrance to China market.

 《自由之翼》| World Directory of Leisure Aviation

《自由之翼》是《World Directory of Leisure Aviation》(简称WDLA)的中文版本,于2010年首次面向中国市场发行。WDLA是业内权威的LSA目录年度出版物,在全球范围内以英、法、德、中四种语言版本发行。该LSA目录书包含丰富的机型介绍和全面综合的发动机、配件、培训、飞行组织等信息。

中文版由原出版方Germany Flying Pages、美国EAA、Today’s Pilot 和北京永行传媒广告有限公司共同组织出版,并在2010年6月开幕的上海世博会上亮相。

World Directory of Leisure Aviation has always been a unique publication. Sold worldwide in four different language editions, it is the only annual at any price which aims to detail every aircraft that flies for fun, as well as offering comprehensive coverage of engines, accessories, training, aviation organizations, etc.

Jointly produced by Germany Flying Pages、EAA、Today’s Pilot and Beijing-based publisher Evergo, it will be distributed by direct mail and will also be available at the Aviation Pavilion of the World Expo in Shanghai, which was open in June 2010.


GAMA     中国通用航空协会     2011中国国际通用航空大会      亚洲公务航空协会
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